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Aerobic Vs Anaerobic

As you all know, we have 2 activities at the end of each spectrum. On one end we got running or cycling and on the other end we got grunting and lifting weights. And you might have realized the physiques you develop from both ends are distinctly different.

Let’s talk about this a bit further and try to understand what these differences really are.


Resistance training is classified as an anaerobic activity. This means oxygen is not used to create the energy required when you hammer those weights. ATP is the main energy currency of our body. When we lift weights, we use readily available ATP, and then get the support of 2 other energy pathways – ATP/CP and Glycolytic, which does not depend on Oxygen to manufacture more ATP.

Anaerobic activities are usually more intense but last only a short duration. The adaptations that occur and the muscle fibers involved are different from our aerobic component. This training takes you towards building explosive strength!


Aerobic training refers to activities that are fueled through oxygen. This is the type of training that enhances your cardiovascular health and helps you live longer! It forces oxygen throughout your body and also increases the number and size of blood vessels.


Weight lifting progressively overloads target muscle groups in the body and our body super compensates the load through building more muscle. Aerobic training stresses your cardio vascular system, you do realise that you run out of breath before experiencing local muscle fatigue when you do cardio right ?


The muscle fibers involved in these 2 classifications have different properties and structures. Its 2 completely different systems and the adaptations you get depends on what you prioritize.


My advice is have a balance between these 2. The general recommendation is between 120 to 150 minutes of cardio a week, but since I’m biased towards bodybuilding, I think that can lowkey interfere with building the physique. I think a total of a good 60 minutes of aerobic activity per week combined with weight lifting is where I’d draw the line. Everyone’s different, like I said I’m more biased towards bodybuilding haha.

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