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Don't underestimate the power of sleep 




Yeah Yeah  I know that you mom and dad says the same thing, but if you want to win this game, you need to understand that sleep is imperative to recovery. The body emits a significant amount of growth hormone during REM Sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) which in turn has a profound effect on muscle growth.


I will not proceed to bore you with the scientific facts of sleep, but I will list a couple of things you can do to optimize the quality of your sleep.


i) Don’t underestimate the power of meditation and inner reflection. Try to reduce your electronic device usage before sleep and engage in actual thinking and awareness prior to sleep, this could go a long way.


ii) Avoid extreme highs and lows. You got those people who’ll call you and send you on an emotional roller

coaster ? Well maybe right before sleep isn’t a good time to call them.


iii) Optimize the sleep environment. A cold dark room will be an ideal sleeping environment and playing some classical music can aid this furthermore.


iv) Avoid alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants. You are adults, you should be already knowing this, and if some pre workouts and fat burners cause this, guys its not worth it, just drink an intra workout BCAA, I’m not saying it’s the same thing but maybe the placebo effect will satisfy your mental hunger.


v) Mid day naps. I understand that some of you might not get proper hours of sleep due to busy life styles. So here’s some advice which personally worked for me. I used to nap during commute after work, the naps gave me a mental boost which was more than enough to do hardcore workouts. Find a window mid day to get a nap and use this for your benefit.


There you go, I could add more, but why don’t you just give these a try for now.





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