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Get Shredded - Mentorship


Looking to burn some fat ? Maybe Bulk up ? Or to simply build your dream physique ? 


Fitness goals can be diverse as they can get, ranging from building a shredded physique to adding some quality muscle mass or bringing the body back to a healthy BMI. All of this can be achieved through sound training and nutrition principles.

Starving and running everyday are not the ways to get there !


Note -  

If your BMI is over 25 or less than 18.5, I strongly suggest you immediately begin implementing changes to your lifestyle. And remember, as you age, it becomes tougher to get back into shape with all those responsibilities and the natural muscle degradation that takes place with time.  



What is the 8 week mentorship program ?


Set at an affordable rate, the 8 week mentorship program is a customized training program that is made after taking into account your present lifestyle and your individual fitness goals. Depending on your situation, it will be the best plan of action for you to get the physique you envision. The training program provided will cover an 8 week time frame where I will provide you everything necessary to achieve your fitness goal. 



Note - This program is set at a fraction of the cost of my usual personal training programs. I did this so that everyone gets an opportunity to train under my guidance. However it should be noted that some features accompanied in the other two programs are not included in this package.



What exactly do you get once you enroll to this program ?


First we will have a discussion regarding your present lifestyle and your fitness goals. Taking into account the present state, I will provide you the most practical training program so that you will be on the pursuit to achieve your dream physique. All my programs are competent and periodized to match your needs. The entire 8 week program will be delivered within 48 hours.​


Since this program is provided at a relatively low cost, there are 2 features that it does not include when compared to the other training programs of mine.


i) This program does not include a diet plan, but don't worry, I will provide you the necessary guidance

regarding nutrition and supplementation.


ii) Communication with me will be limited, drop me your inquiries but responses can take upto a week, however there will be an assessment once a month where I will make adjustments to the program if deemed necessary based on your performance and physical improvements. 



Who's ideal for this program ? 


I made this program for 2 types of individuals.


i) I realised that there was a considerable amount of people out there who are lost when it comes to starting out a fitness journey, and most who couldn't afford the services of a personal trainer. So I did the best I can to create a low cost package with the right guidance.

ii) This package also suits people who are naturally disciplined and who don't really need much following up. 


It's true that there are a few aspects that this doesn't have compared to the other packages ! but if you really want to change your body, this program is more than what you need to transform your physique. Remember, I never had a personal trainer, I did have some guidance in my latter years from a coach I respect to this day though.


Every week will play a key role, so planning ahead to eliminate any probable obstacles during the training program will provide you with a satisfactory result.



What is the cost of this package ?


This is a 2 month package and the cost is set at 8,000 Lkr (USD $25)

The price should be paid before obtaining the program. 


Is there a cancellation policy ?


Cancellation will not be accommodated as majority of the planning and the framework in which all revisions will be implemented is completed as soon as you register as a client. Before you signup please make sure you are able to commit to the training program and understand the extent to which the trainer has to commit once you sign up as a client. 


Final words of advice


I have been in this industry for over a decade. It takes years of consistency to achieve a good physique if you were to start from scratch. I can't transform your physique into that of a super model within a period of 3 months if you are a beginner ! But I can speed up the process and teach you some valuable things you might never come across. Consider this as an investment and grab the opportunity to learn knowledge that will help you every single day even after this program is over.


There is no magic pill, the outcome will be based on your consistency and your discipline, I can 

guarantee you I can help you get there provided you put in the work !





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