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What’s this word we’ve been throwing around for so long ?? You must have heard this from time to time specially when talking about gaining muscle right ?

Metabolism actually talks about the total of all the chemical and physical processes by which the body builds and maintains itself and by which it breaks down its substances for the production of energy. Not exactly what you thought it would mean right ? haha

Well, our body actually sustains itself and adapts through metabolism. We need energy and building blocks for growth and repair !

Metabolism can be divided into two parts –

Anabolism – Here we talk about all the chemical reactions that combine different biomolecules to create larger complex structures :) The result of anabolism, is basically ……. growth,  growth of cells, enzymes, proteins and so on. This is also necessary for repair and maintenance.

Catabolism – Over here, we see the chemical reactions that break down complex biomolecules into simpler elements ! This is used for energy production, recycling of molecular components and so on ! Catabolism provides you the energy to contract those biceps and curl those dumbells !

So while we speak and while you read this, millions of chemical reactions belonging to both these categories are at play!

When anabolism exceeds catabolism, net growth occurs. When catabolism exceeds anabolism, the body has a net loss of substances and body tissue, and may lose weight.

So that’s a quickie about that metabolism you heard about throughout your life !

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