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Periodization and Overtraining

Why don’t we do supersets, drop sets and negatives everyday and go at 150% intensity all day everyday. You see, I did that for a long period of time, but as I started reaching old age, I realized, maybe    just maybe I should have been a bit more careful haha.

There’s a plenty of good reasons why we should consider periodizing intensity, for starters you can save your joints in the long run, and properly planned recovery might actually help you reach your goals faster.

You don’t have to fatigue yourself everyday, think about the ripple effects that it can have on the quality of other aspects in your life, I trained intensely everyday for years, and I was tired throughout the day, my body was recovering all the time, and I will say from experience, it did affect other areas of my life.

That’s where periodization kicks in. Training periods are broken down into macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles. A macrocycle is a long term training period and usually refers to a period of 6 months. A mesocycle lies somewhere between 2 weeks to a few months, but generally can be viewed as a month. A microcycle is a shorter period, usually around a week in length. Periodization is key if you want to peak at the right time, avoid overtraining and execute a well planned time frame.

Periods of high intensity needs  to be followed by periods of low intensity, If you hammered your lats today, we can’t take a week off training right, so what we can do is, train it again in a few days, but not as intense as you did today. We need the frequency and we need to do it smart.

Overtraining sounds cool, but it’s a place you don’t want to be in. Its an accumulation of training and non training stress that results in a decrement in performance capacity. Restoration can take from several weeks to months.

Train smart guys, trust me, there is something called the long run, and your joints and tendons will thank you if you take care of it now.

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