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Signature Series


Looking to burn some fat ? Maybe Bulk up ? Or to simply build your dream physique ?   


Fitness goals can be diverse as they can get, ranging from building a shredded physique to adding some quality muscle mass or bringing the body back to a healthy BMI. All of this can be achieved through sound training and nutrition principles.

Starving and running everyday are not the ways to get there !


Note -  

If your BMI is over 25 or less than 18.5, I strongly suggest you immediately begin implementing changes to your lifestyle. And remember, as you age, it becomes tougher to get back into shape with all those responsibilities and the natural muscle degradation that takes place with time.  



What is the 12 week training program ?


Being the most popular program sold at my fitness channel, the 12 week training program offers you customized workouts every week based on your life. It doesn't matter whether you are working out at home or at a gym, I will make sure you don't miss a workout even if you are on vacation !


I will be guiding you by providing sound nutrition plans and competent training programs based on your capacity and level of fitness. We will pack on the right amount of lean muscle mass with minimal fat and each day you commit is a day closer to your dream physique.


There will be follow ups, and communication is mandatory. I will be updating your schedules every week based on your performance. 


What should I expect once I sign up ?


First there will be a data collection procedure which involves basic measurements, lifestyle inquiries and a 3 day dietary journal.

You will receive your training program and meal plan within 3 days after you provide me the above


The training program will be revised on a weekly basis as my plans are periodized and will change according to your commitment

Every week will play a key role, so planning ahead to eliminate any probable obstacles during the training program will provide you with a satisfactory result.



What is the cost of this package ?


This is a 3 month package and the cost will differ based on the payment method.

If paid monthly - 12,800 Lkr per month / Total 38,400 Lkr (USD 42.6 monthly / Total USD 128)

If the amount is paid off in a single payment, the cost is 30,720 Lkr (USD 120)

For a limited period of time I have provided a discount of 20% off, all rates above will be subjected

to this. Monthly payment - 10,240 Lkr / 3 month package 30,720 Lkr

If paid in a single payment - 29,500 Lkr 



Is there a cancellation policy ?


Cancellation will not be accommodated as majority of the planning and the framework in which all revisions will be implemented is completed as soon as you register as a client. Before you signup please make sure you are able to commit to the training program and understand the extent to which the trainer has to commit once you sign up as a client. 


Final words of advice


I have been in this industry for over a decade. It takes years of consistency to achieve a good physique if you were to start from scratch. I can't transform your physique into that of a super model within a period of 3 months if you are a beginner ! But I can speed up the process and teach you some valuable things you might never come across. Consider this as an investment and grab the opportunity to learn knowledge that will help you every single day even after this program is over.


There is no magic pill, the outcome will be based on your consistency and your discipline, I can 

guarantee you I can help you get there provided you put in the work !






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